
Architecture studies in France are organised in three cycles, according to the European LMD system. They are taught entirely in French: a B2 level is therefore required.
It takes 5 years of study to become an architect and 6 years to be able to work as a private individual (on your own account). The curriculum is organized as follows:
The DEEA: the diploma of studies in architecture (bac +3, degree of Licence)
The DEA: the State diploma of architect (bac +5, Master degree)
The HMONP: the authorization to exercise the project management in its own name (bac +6)
These trainings are given within the ENSA (National Superior Schools of Architecture). There are 20 ENSAs in France. They also offer specialization and advanced degrees (DSA, bac +7), diplomas specific to schools of architecture (DPEA), as well as doctorates.
INSA Strasbourg (Institut national des Sciences Appliquées) and ESA-Paris (Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture) offer diplomas recognised as equivalent to the DEA and HMONP.
Some of these schools offer a dual course of study in architecture and engineering, leading to the award of the architect's diploma and the engineer's title.
I am applying for a DEEA, DEA or HMONP
To apply for a state diploma (DEEA, DEA or HMONP) within an ENSA, you must complete the international application procedure called "DAP Jaune” (Request for Prior Admission) available below in the file called “Apply for a School of Architecture”.
I am applying for any other diploma in architecture in ENSA
If you are interested in another ENSA course (specialisation diploma, etc.), you can apply via the platform Études en France. A different schedule applies. Everything is explained in our attached file "Apply for a Licence 2, Licence 3, Licence pro or Master degree" available below.
I am applying to INSA Strasbourg
You must apply on the platform Études en France ("Apply for a Licence 2, Licence 3, Licence pro or Master degree") and also directly on the INSA Strasbourg website. The two parallel procedures are mandatory.
I am applying to ESA Paris
You must apply directly to the institution in question. In order to obtain your student visa, you must however follow the procedure for studying in France. We explain how to do this here.
CampusArt is a network of 120 French higher education institutions offering training in art, design, fashion, music, architecture, 3D,... led by Agence Campus France in Paris, with the support of the Ministries of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Europe and Foreign Affairs, and Culture, as well as ANdÉA (Association nationale des écoles supérieures d'art).

The CampusArt network offers students from all over the world a choice of artistic training courses at the preparatory classes FLE + Art, Licence, Master, post-Master and Doctorate level, adapted to the expectations of the international public. These courses, more than 400 to date, offered mainly by public or private higher schools of art and architecture and universities, are presented on the website in the catalogue accessible from the home page.
Are you interested in studying art, design or architecture? CampusArt allows you to apply online quickly, to more than 70 schools with a single application!

Applications are generally open from November to February. Pre-selection interviews take place soon after. Institutions give a pre-registration response in March.
In addition to your application on CampusArt, you must also apply on the Études en France platform. You will have to follow the appropriate schedule for your choice of studies (see previous paragraph).
Some institutions are visible on CampusArt and not on Études en France, don't panic. Follow the schedule indicated in our article: non-connected establishments